Washington Area Women's Foundation

Leadership Luncheon '07: The Power of Giving Together is catching!

People everywhere are joining the powerful wave of philanthropy that is The Women’s Foundation.

Our community was challenged at the 2007 Leadership Luncheon to raise $50,000 by October 24th.  And when we do, every dollar will be matched three times.

For every one dollar invested, The Women’s Foundation will receive $3 more.

You’re doing the math, I can tell.

In the end, if we meet this match, we’ll end up with at least $1 million for the women and girls of our community.

As a result of these matches, which are bringing out The Power of Giving Together, we’ve been amazed by the support we’re receiving–from near and far, small and big.

We’ve received donations from $10 to $1000. 

New supporters of The Women’s Foundation, Erin Currier and Drew Smith, gave a donation because they knew that the small amount they could give would transform into so much more.

And they’re right!

Their $50 contribution will turn into $200 if we meet our match.

Help us get there by tomorrow–October 24th!  Donate now.