Washington Area Women's Foundation

Saying No to Get to Yes

It seems that giving should be easy, and like love, limitless in possibility.  But it isn’t easy and limits, particularly where bank accounts are concerned, abound.  Caring about everything can quickly turn into not caring at all.  Sometimes NOT giving seems to be an answer, but it isn’t, as a request from a friend fundraising for a cause near and dear quickly proves.

But No is powerful, and indeed it can be a good answer, even the best answer and the only one that brings you to the true power of giving. 

Impossible, you say? 

Read on, I reply.

If you want to give, and give in a way that is strategic, meaningful and has impact, you need to know what you want to give to, which means in turn figuring out what you won’t give to. 

It means in short that you have to say no to get to yes. 

We all have values, but what are your top three? 

We all care about community, but ask yourself the question, which community? 

The one I live in now, the one my family comes from, or the one I visit on an international trip? 

What are your issues? 

Some of us believe that children are the future, others are fervent supporters of elder care.  Domestic violence may matter more to me, access to education may be in your top two. 

Favoring one over the other doesn’t mean you don’t care.  It does mean, however, that you make a choice about what to support and how. 

So you have already made choices, about what you value, what issues inspire you and in which community you want to give. 

All those choices necessitated deciding what you WON’T support, though still care about, and, more importantly, free you to really explore what you WILL give to. 

Now the fun begins. 

There is a world of possibility, hope and solution to be found in the non-profit world. Once you begin to explore and dive in to the issues and communities you care about, the opportunities for making a real difference are abundant and the work of organizations inspiring.  It is in these moments of discovery, where giving to what you value and care about, when the meaning of all the little no’s allow you to say YES!!!