Washington Area Women's Foundation

DCWA: New data on AIDS and women in D.C. points to sad reality and possible solutions.

To kick off our bi-monthly “Lunch and Learn” seminar series, the DC Women’s Agenda (DCWA) sponsored a presentation in March by Dr. Shannon Hader, Senior Deputy Director of the DC Department of Health, HIV/AIDS Administration, on: “Disturbing Data on HIV/AIDS and DC Women”.
Dr. Hader opened the presentation by explaining that the discussion concerning HIV/AIDS in D.C. has changed because of updated statistics on the disease.  Before 2007, we were relying on statistics from 2002; now we have the opportunity to see what is really going on with HIV/AIDS in D.C. and around the country.

The data showed that D.C. has the highest rate of HIV/AIDS in the country; two times higher than New York City and four times that of Detroit, Michigan. One third of HIV/AIDS cases are due to heterosexual intercourse and one fourth are due to male-male intercourse.

The numbers show that no one is protected because of their socio-economic status, education, sexual orientation or gender.  In Wards 7 and 8, the ratio of males to females infected with HIV/AIDS is 50/50.  In other Wards, it is closer to 70 percent males and 30 percent women.

The number of women and girls getting this disease is on the rise.

Dr. Hader discussed the fact that women are uniquely impacted by this disease because they bring babies into the world. Astonishingly, D.C. babies with HIV/AIDS make up 9 percent of the nation-wide HIV/AIDS babies.  Dr. Hader believes that part of the problem is that the health care system is not providing the necessary comprehensive services to raise awareness and prevent the growth of HIV/AIDS.  Physicians need to be routinely testing for HIV/AIDS in the same way that they take a patient’s blood pressure.  There should be signs in doctors’ offices reminding women to get tested, as well as in TANF and Medicaid offices.

The participants at the DCWA meeting grappled with the issue of sex education in schools. Data shows that 10-15 percent of 13 year-olds had sex before they were 11.  Next year, Metro Teen AIDS will provide HIV/AIDS training for all 10th graders and school nurses. This is a step in the right direction. The more HIV/AIDS testing is normalized, the more often it will occur. Early education and testing has proven fruitful. The data indicates 20 year-olds that have been tested once are more likely to be tested again.

Over 50 people were in attendance and the participants continued to want more information. The DCWA, based on requests during this presentation, is exploring the idea of a half day forum on the topic.

If you are interested in becoming involved in this issue or DCWA in general, please contact Debbie Billet-Roumell at DBRoumell@wowonline.org or 202.464.1596. We welcome your involvement!

Debbie Billet-Roumel is Coordinator of the DC Women’s Agenda, a Grantee Partner of The Women’s Foundation.  DCWA is a local advocacy and policy coalition whose primary goal is to promote the advancement, equality, and well-being for all women and girls in D.C. In alternating months, the agenda will sponsor a speaker to discuss current issues impacting women and girls in the District.  To learn more about upcoming educational forums or to get involved with DCWA, contact Debbie Billet-Roumell at DBRoumell@wowonline.org or at 202.464.1596.