Washington Area Women's Foundation

#our100days Day 51

Inequality in Art

Can you name five male artists? You probably can do this easily – Da Vinci, Picasso, Van Gogh, Pollock, Degas, and dozens more come to mind, even if you aren’t an arts aficionado. But can you name five women artists? If you can’t, it’s not due to the lack of female visual artists. Although there have been scores of talented female artists throughout the ages, many have been excluded from museums, galleries, and textbooks. This informative Huffington Post article discusses gender discrimination in the visual arts and how the National Museum of Women in the Arts is tackling it with the #5WomenArtists campaign.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Let’s get schooled on female artists. Take a trip to DC’s acclaimed National Museum of Women in the Arts and get inspired by talented artists from various movements, centuries, and nationalities. Even if you can’t make it in person, get lost in the virtual collection highlights. Let us know your favorite female artists. Hopefully by the end of this exercise, you can name more than five!

Sample Tweets:

Five inspiring female artists are ______ ,______ ,______ ,______ and ______. Check them out! #5WomenArtists #our100days

I saw amazing pieces by talented female artists at the National Museum for Women in the Arts #5WomenArtist #our100days