Washington Area Women's Foundation

#our100days Day 52

Purchasing Power

The retail industry is the largest sector of employment in the US.  It’s female dominated in many ways; 73% of all retail purchases in the U.S. are made or influenced by women, and about half of the workers in America’s retail industry are women.  So far so good, right?  Not quite.  The gender gap in retail is particularly grim with a woman earning 68 cents for every dollar her male counterpart makes.  In a similar vein, women are underrepresented on executive teams and boards of retail companies.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Listen to and share out to this fabulous Stuff Mom Never Told You podcast on the history of women in the retail sector.

Sample Tweets:

Check out this fascinating podcast on the history of women in the retail industry, courtesy of @MomStuffPodcast bit.ly/2m97HTB  #our100days

This podcast by@MomStuffPodcast will change how you view the world of retail forever bit.ly/2m97HTB #our100days