Supporting Casa Ruby
This weekend Casa Ruby, a DC-based drop-in center and advocacy organization for transgender women, was vandalized and one of their staff assaulted. According to their staff, this is the third time in less than two weeks that the center has been targeted. Washington Area Women’s Foundation stands in solidarity with Casa Ruby and condemns such hate crimes and the continued harassment and violence often directed at trans women of color.
Here’s what we’re doing today:
Let’s show our support for our transgender sisters and organizations like Casa Ruby. Make a donation to Casa Ruby to help them purchase a replacement door and hire a security guard to protect staff and clients. Share the news story from NBC News about the recent national wave of vandalism and violence aimed at LGBTQ centers. Additionally, this week you can participate in the #ProtectTransWomen Day of Action Rally at Freedom Plaza on Wednesday, March 15th at 6pm. We are stronger together!
Sample Tweets:
I’ll be there for the #ProtectTransWomen Rally this week at Freedom Plaza. Will you? #our100days
Make a donation to @CasaRuby today and help them provide a safe space for LGBTQ people in DC. #our100days
According to @NBCNews, there’s been an increase in anti-LGBTQ violence and vandalism. #our100days