Washington Area Women's Foundation

#our100days Day 60

Tell Us Something Good

We’ve had 60 days of action items, and 40 days left in #our100days. Thank you for sticking with us so far! By engaging your friends, colleagues and communities to join us in performing a daily action to make lasting change, you’ve made our communities better, especially for women and girls. Now it’s your turn…

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Tell us what our next daily action item should be and we’ll add it to our list. You can Tweet or Facebook us, or send us an email at communications@wawf.org with your suggestion.
Need a little inspiration? Check out what we’ve done so far and listen to the #our100days Playlist on Spotify for a little encouragement. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Sample Tweet:

Our next daily action item for #our100days should focus on ______. #our100days