Washington Area Women's Foundation

#our100days Day 63

Mentorship is Key

Many women who have broken glass ceilings credit their success to other women. There’s something about seeing someone in a higher position of power, who looks just like you. It makes it easier to envision yourself in the same role. In other cases, it takes someone seeing that special something in you that you couldn’t see in yourself — a mentor. If you don’t have a mentor, Harvard Business Review just released an article on “What The Best Mentors Do” that could help be a guide for your search. If you’re in the Washington region, your search gets easier with Washington Business Journal’s roundup of women executives, some of whom serve as our Board Members and Grantee Partners, in “Meet 41 D.C.-area women who could be your mentors in 2017.”

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Need a mentor? Reach out to a woman whose career you admire and ask for her guidance. Want to be a mentor? Lend a helping hand to a young woman and let her know that you are open to providing her with career advice. Advocate for a young woman in your organization who would thrive in a leadership role or has the potential to grow within your company. Encourage your friends and family to do the same on social media using #our100days.

Sample Tweets:

I am reaching out to a woman today who I’ve always wanted to be my mentor. #our100days

I am encouraging young women that I work with to come to me when they need career advice. #our100days

I am advocating for a young woman that I believe has the potential to thrive in a leadership role.