Grants made to Washington Area Women’s Foundation through your Donor-Advised Fund can be designated for general support or for a specific program. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous foundation, your year-end contribution of $500 or more will unlock a $50,000 match, giving more women and girls in our region the confidence and resources they need to be successful in the upcoming year.
Click below to get started or contact your financial advisor to designate a gift to The Women’s Foundation ahead of their recommended year-end deadline.
Washington Area Women’s Foundation mobilizes our community to ensure that economically vulnerable women and girls of color in the Washington, D.C. region have the resources they need to thrive. Since 1998, The Women’s Foundation has worked to transform the lives of women and girls in our region and across the world.
© 2023 Washington Area Women’s Foundation
© 2024 Washington Area Women’s Foundation