Washington Area Women's Foundation

Feeling left out of Super Tuesday? We'll let you vote!

Feeling a bit left out since it’s Super Tuesday but we have to wait another week to vote?  Antsy to have your say?  Adamantly insisting that you should be voting today, even though you shouldn’t?  All those Facebook SuperPoke election options have you longing to participate in a democratic process?

Never fear, The Women’s Foundation is here.  We’ll let you vote today in our online Leadership Awards vote, no matter who you are or where you live.  We don’t even care if you’re registered or not and we won’t ask to see ID.

If you have an opinion about changing communities to improve the lives of women and girls, we have an online ballot for you!

The winning organization will win a $5,000 award, and you’ll come away with the empowered feeling of anyone anywhere else who has been to the polls.

For a little inspiration on the matter, Seth Godin has a great post today featuring lessons from voting.

Check it out, and then put his list to the test by participating in our poll.

Because it’s Super Tuesday, and there’s no sense feeling left out.  Vote now.