Washington Area Women's Foundation

Finding a good fit at The Women's Foundation.

New Kid on the Block: A new staff member’s perspective

I’m the new kid on the block here at The Women’s Foundation.  Even though it’s only been about a month, I’ve become so involved that it feels like it’s been much longer.  Maybe because the mission resonates so deeply with my own beliefs about economic empowerment, or maybe it’s the energizing, collective spirit of this organization. 

Either way, I know one thing for sure: Washington Area Women’s Foundation fits me.

It fits because, after watching the women in my family, I know that strong women build up themselves, each other and their communities.  It fits because, after participating in the Vagina Monologues for four years, I know that women cannot afford to be quiet about the issues that we face. 

And it fits because, in the words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

I’m so honored to be a part of this dynamic staff and to be involved with all of the amazing organizations we serve in the Washington metropolitan area.

Lena Peterson is The Women’s Foundation’s new office assistant.