Washington Area Women's Foundation

It's not all doom and gloom, despite the recession.

I love this.  And I love my Google Reader for making sure I saw it.  Voila, a piece in USA Today not about the doom and gloom of the recession, or about job losses or the stock market.

Indeed, these things are important and concerning.  But for goodness sake, sometimes we need a break from it all.

So here comes USA Today with a great story about how the recession is also inspiring tremendous random acts of kindness out there, among businesses and individuals. 

In California, for instance, when a group started a prom dress drive for girls who couldn’t afford gowns, local businesses chipped in free hair styling and dry cleaning.  Meanwhile, the Elks Lodge started collecting shoes.

In Fulton, Missouri (Shout out to my home state!), a local florist is just randomly delivering bouquets of flowers to people nominated within the community just to help brighten up people’s days. 

In Alabama, the owner of a health care store gave out $16,000 split amongst its employees, asking them to give 15 percent to charity and spend the rest at local businesses.

Not only generous, but smart.

How can you not love this?  Proof that the recession, while awful, is also presenting opportunities for people and communities to come together to do the right thing.

That’s one of the ramifications of this tough period that we have to hope sticks around when it’s over.