Washington Area Women's Foundation

#our100days Day 59

Healthy Families

In December 2016, the D.C. Council approved the nation’s most generous paid family and sick leave legislation, which covers private-sector workers.  On a federal level, the situation is quite different. The U.S. is the only industrialized nation without paid sick leave. This has negative implications for all Americans, but low-wage workers — the majority of which are women, are hurt the most. No one should have to choose between taking a sick day or caring for an ailing family member and losing a job.

Thankfully, some of our lawmakers are trying to change this on the federal level. Congress has reintroduced the Healthy Families Act, which would ensure that every citizen would have at least seven days of sick leave.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Add your name to this petition or share your thoughts on social media about what the Healthy Families Act could mean for Americans, especially working women and their families. If you live in the District, tell us how DC’s leave program has impacted your life.

Sample Tweets:

Join me in making sure sick leave for working families gets passed. bit.ly/2ndAQRW #our100days

Thanks to DC’s Family and Sick Leave Law, _______. #our100days

If every American had sick leave, then _______. #our100days