In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

Let Your Voice Be Heard Today!

Let your voice be heard today by helping us with two surveys! Are you a young woman of color between the ages of 12

Future-Focused Philanthropy: Investing in the Early Care and Education Funders Collaborative

For the past six years, I had the privilege of serving alongside the region’s most distinguished funding professionals via the Early Care and Education

Recap: 2018 GirlsLEAD Summit

On March 9, 2018 over 600 young women and girls joined Washington Area Women’s Foundation for the inaugural GirlsLEAD Summit. The all-day event welcomed 300 young

GirlsLEAD Summit Welcomes Over 300 Young Women & Girls

Washington Area Women’s Foundation hosts its inaugural GirlsLEAD Summit on March 9, 2018. The all-day event for young women and girls between the ages

Beyond the Classroom: The Role of Race and Culture in Improving Early Education Systems

On Saturday, January 20, 2018, more than 200 early education leaders and professionals attended Washington Area Women’s Foundation’s annual regional Early Care and Education

Testimony In Support of the Student Fair Access to School Act of 2017 | January 30, 2018

Good Afternoon, my name is C. Nicole Mason, and I am the Vice President of Programs at the Washington Area Women’s Foundation, home to

2018 Washington Region ECE Summit

The Washington Area Women’s Foundation’s Early Care and Education Funders Collaborative and Montgomery College School of Education invite you to join us on January

Panel: Economic Security of Immigrant Women and Families

Close to three-quarters of all immigrants in the U.S. are women and children. Policy rollbacks, cuts to funding, and threats to states that provide

Webinar: Using Racial Equity To Evaluate Programs

Strong evaluation is essential to building strong programs, measuring success and achieving desired outcomes. For organizations working in diverse communities, having an evaluation tool