In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

Dear WaPo: There are more challenging things than "squeaking by on $300,000."

The good news is that the Washington Post yesterday discovered the plight of women-headed families struggling in the recession and this economy. The bad

Back to school and bittersweet.

Nearly 19 years ago, I was a fragile teenager faced with some very tough and grown-up decisions.  I was pregnant and confused and had

Weekly Round-Up: News and Analysis on Women and Poverty (Week ending August 7, 2009)

Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity, a national foundation-led initiative, is excited to collaborate with The Women’s Foundation to bring you the latest news and

The Art League: One hour of media assistance has had a long-term impact on our work.

This spring, The Art League was fortunate enough to receive media assistance from The Hatcher Group thanks to The Women’s Foundation’s commitment to technical

Calvary Women's Services: When you're serious about making a change.

Irene, a woman who lives at Calvary Women’s Shelter, recently said, “Calvary’s where you go when you’re serious about making a change.” Irene credits

Stepping Stones Research Update – July 2009

As part of our ongoing commitment – in partnership with The Urban Institute – to providing information and resources related to the goals of

Weekly Round-Up: News and Analysis on Women and Poverty (Week ending July 31, 2009)

Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity, a national foundation-led initiative, is excited to collaborate with The Women’s Foundation to bring you the latest news and

Who says social change is slow? I blinked and nine powerful, inspiring years went by.

I blinked and nine years went by. Okay, my eyes were open most of the time, but it is truly hard to believe that

Helping prevent proposed cuts to D.C.'s safety net will help low-income women. Join us.

The stock market may be going up – but, unfortunately, other economic indicators, such as unemployment and homelessness are, too. This means continued down

Weekly Round-Up: News and Analysis on Women and Poverty (Week ending July 27, 2009)

Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity, a national foundation-led initiative, is excited to collaborate with The Women’s Foundation to bring you the latest news and