In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

Phyllis will lead with purpose and passion!

I’m so thrilled to welcome Phyllis as the next leader of The Women’s Foundation! Phyllis and I share a number of common grounds, from

Announcing our new president, Phyllis R. Caldwell!

The Board of Directors and Staff of Washington Area Women’s Foundation are pleased to announce Phyllis Caldwell as our new President. Phyllis comes to

Reponse to D.C.'s HIV epidemic must focus on realities of women.

HIV has reached epidemic levels here in Washington, D.C., reports Susan Levine in today’s Washington Post. Levine writes, "The first statistics ever amassed on

Voice and Vision Forums inspire discussion, direction.

As The Women’s Foundation’s Stepping Stones Phase 2: Voice and Vision forums come to an end, many wonderful, enlightening thoughts on the future of

The sister next door, in Prince George's county.

Deborah Avens asks us to take a thoughtful, real look at our sisters next door on her new blog, Sister Table Talk. Avens is

Giving thanks by giving, or, some Thanksgiving reading recs.

On this final day before the Thanksgiving holiday, it seems appropriate to look at ways to give thanks by, well, giving. Buddha says, "Wise

Impact of funding for women goes far beyond fairness.

Abby Disney, president and co-founder of the Daphne Foundation, spoke today on NPR’s Tell Me More about the power of women to move communities

From Texas to Tchad to Takoma, investing in women works.

Becky Sykes, Executive Director of the Dallas Women’s Foundation, wrote in the Dallas Morning News last week that when you help a woman, there’s

Fun Friday Reading: The global (or your local) gender gap.

For some fun Friday reading, the World Economic Forum  has just released its report on the 2007 Global Gender Gap.  Feministing is hosting a

From single mom to nonprofit CEO…a journey of perseverence.

This post is the first in a series from DeVonna on her experience as a single mother and the joys and challenges of starting