In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: Affordable, green housing may be coming to D.C.’s Ward 8. | The deadline for Virginia residents to register to vote is

Spotlight on Poverty's Weekly Round-Up

The latest news, analysis and opinion on the state of low-income women and their families from Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity. For the week

Growing Up in an Age of Enlightenment & Ignorance

My heart broke as I read about the story of Tyler Clementi this week, a freshman at Rutgers University who committed suicide after his

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: A look at the barriers to affordable, quality childcare. | And a chance for adults with “some college” to finish earning

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: New census numbers give a clearer picture of what poverty looks like in the D.C. region and how the recession is

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: A Grantee Partner is profiled for its work with formerly incarcerated women. | A new effort is announced to help low-income

Portrait Project 2010 Fact of the Week

Today’s Portrait Project 2010 fact is one of the most mind-blowing statistics you’ll find in the report: the average annual cost of full-time center-based

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: The announcement of a new initiative to create jobs for thousands of women. | A local nonprofit is the victim of

Spotlight on Poverty's Weekly Round-Up

The latest news, analysis and opinion on the state of low-income women and their families from Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity. For the week

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: Census Bureau data through a gender lens. | Low-income families benefit the least from federal programs designed to help Americans build