In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

Higher Learning: "Making It," Satisfaction & Happiness in the Lives of Mothers

One of the great things about working at an organization like The Women’s Foundation is the opportunity to consistently grow and develop as a

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: Why D.C. needs to change the affordable housing law.  |  Test results show that a disparity in education in Arlington has

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: Volunteers are needed for the DCPS Beautification Day. | Improved jobless numbers don’t make the unemployed more hopeful. | Federal changes

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: Celebrating women’s suffrage. | Ted Stevens and Title IX. | How women network. | The fields that employ the most women.

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: Former felons want local lawmakers to “Ban the Box.”  |  Nonprofits use failure to improve their uses of technology.  |  A

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: “Why girly jobs don’t pay well.”  |  Back-to-school help for students of all ages and circumstances.  |  Ways to fix D.C.’s

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: The recession has hurt single women more than anyone else.  And could high youth unemployment lead to a lost generation? —

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: Economic security during the “Great Recession.”  |  Plus, billions of dollars in federal money set aside to keep the unemployed from

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: The impact of the economy on the local housing market has an upside for some residents as a luxury condo building

Spotlight on Poverty's Weekly Round-Up (Week Ending August 6, 2010)

The latest news, analysis and opinion on the state of low-income women and their families from Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity. This week: A