In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

The challenge of living on $1 a meal in the Washington metropolitan area.

Last year, a number of staff here at The Women’s Foundation participated in the Food Stamp Challenge–living for a week on the food budget

Do we give to get, or are we not getting giving?

As you head into your Memorial Day weekend, here’s a little tidbit you can ponder in the car or while you’re waiting for the

Teach women to hammer nails, not just file them.

I loved this post today on Feministing from Misty Rojo, formerly a prison inmate, discussing the unfortunate fact that most vocational programs available to

Rwanda shows the power of investing in women.

In my former life working on USAID projects focused on education for girls, I traveled to a number of African countries.   While each country

The Women's Foundation congratulates our hometown heroes!

Here at The Women’s Foundation, we know that our Grantee Partners are heroes–out there every day doing the tough work on the ground that

It takes a village, and a strong woman.

Following Wangari Maathai’s presentation at the Women’s Funding Network Conference on Saturday, I couldn’t help but love this article in today’s Washington Post about

Highlights from the 2008 Women's Funding Network Conference.

Whew, that was a whirlwind!  But alas, the 2008 Women’s Funding Network Conference has ended and those of us who aren’t attending the Council

Women's funding movement spending the week here in our own backyard.

Starting this evening and through the rest of the week, we here at The Women’s Foundation will be attending the Women’s Funding Network’s annual

Will you be The Women's Foundation's Facebook friend?

With today’s headline, "Despite Negative Press, Facebook Is a Powerful Agent for Social Change," it seems appropriate to let all of our faithful readers

Arlington fire department sets the bar for female-friendly environments.

In a cool semi-related follow-on to yesterday’s story about how more low-income women aren’t gaining access to our region’s financial boom because they’re not