In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

Early Care and Education Funders Collaborative Announces 2021 Docket

Washington Area Women’s Foundation has been the home to the Early Care and Education Funders Collaborative (ECEFC) since 2008. This month, the ECEFC is

Testimony to DC Committee of the Whole Budget Hearing

Thank you, Chairman. My name is Martine [Sadarangani Gordon].  I’m a Ward 3 resident, Vice President of Programs at Washington Area Women’s Foundation and

Pay Home Visitors Their Worth

Unless you’ve participated in a home visiting program yourself, you probably don’t know what home visiting is or what a home visitor does. In

Testimony to the Committee of the Whole, Education Oversight Hearing

Hello Chair Mendelson and DC Councilmembers. My name is Martine Gordon. I am a resident of Ward 3, a working mom, and Vice President
Artist: Lex Marie

And then came Kamala…

Growing up, I wanted to be president. It was more than a childhood dream. In elementary school, I wrote anti-war, environmentalist letters to then

Early Care and Education Funders Collaborative (ECEFC) Makes 2021 Investments

After the latest grant round for the Early Care and Education Funders Collaborative, I received an email from the President of one of our

Child Care Deserves Increased Investment – Here is What Philanthropy Can Do

Findings from the Washington Region ECE Workforce Network to inform the current child care crisis   Early care and education systems in the United

#AskHer Series: Teresa Younger, Ms. Foundation for Women

#AskHer is an interview series with women leaders, our partners, community members and supporters who work tirelessly for women and girls.The webinar series is

#AskHer Series: Indira Henard, Executive Director, DC Rape Crisis Center

Our new #AskHer series is an interview with our partners, community members and supporters who work tirelessly for women and girls. Our first interview

Here’s How You Can Help Local Organizations Impacted By The Coronavirus

{Updated December 4, 2020 – We have added additional needs & resources to the alphabetized list below} Neighbors and Friends – These are uncertain