In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

What's the state of (women's) philanthropy in our region?

Washington Grantmakers just released its annual giving report, "Our Region, Our Giving 2007." I haven’t had a chance to look over the whole report

What are women business owners contributing to our economy?

Inspired by Roxana’s post on women entrepreneurs and the study Trinity University conducted for The Women’s Foundation about how to support them, I couldn’t

What difference do nonprofits make in our community?

This is the question that we tried to answer in our recently released report, Beyond Charity: Recognizing Return on Investment, on how the nonprofit

The sister next door, in Prince George's county.

Deborah Avens asks us to take a thoughtful, real look at our sisters next door on her new blog, Sister Table Talk. Avens is

From Texas to Tchad to Takoma, investing in women works.

Becky Sykes, Executive Director of the Dallas Women’s Foundation, wrote in the Dallas Morning News last week that when you help a woman, there’s

The inspiring independent women of Prince George's County.

I spent a few hours yesterday in Prince George’s County, Maryland, helping to facilitate a Voice and Vision session for Washington Area Women’s Foundation.

Drop in teen pregnancy rates shows power of investing in women and girls.

According to today’s Washington Post, there’s good news to celebrate for our region’s women and girls–a declining teen pregnancy rate over the past decade.

Caution: Lack of affordable child care may result in lack of children.

A new national poll has found that women are delaying having children because of the high cost of child care and preschool–which can run

Stop sex trafficking across a border near you.

As program assistant here at The Women’s Foundation, I get the opportunity to take in grant and award applications such as those for Leadership

WOW, a cool new economic security tool!

Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) (a Grantee Partner) just released a very cool new tool for our region: the D.C. Metro Area Self-sufficiency Calculator. With